HBO and New Line Cinema drop HD DVD

New Line Cinema, another company that has been backing both Blu-ray and HD DVD has just confirmed that it has now gone exclusively to Blu-ray, effective immediately.  New Line Cinema is a sister company of Warner Bros and has so far only released one HD DVD title, "Pan's Labyrinth", which is now become its last.  They have also quietly cancelled all of its upcoming HD DVD releases.

HBO Home Video, who's parent company is Warner, has also confirmed that it will also exclusively back the Blu-ray format and no longer release any titles on HD DVD.  This means that the BBC, which Warner distributes domestically, has yet to decide whether to go Blu-ray exclusive also. 

It will be interesting to see if these moves will make any that exclusively back HD DVD to reconsider the Blu-ray format.  If not, it means that consumers will have little choice other than to fork out on dual format players or get the two separates to be able to take advantage of all the major studio HD releases. 

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