Hacker site posted 20 variations of decss online

Another chapter in the decss story..

While the Motion Picture Association of America is in a full progress lawsuit with the hackers site 2600 over the Decss code that they posted on there website,another site named Fuckmpaa.com posted 20 variated programs that use the Decss code that can be used to copy dvd contents.

The webmaster Keith Kimmel Say`s that he see the Decss code as a artform that must be protected under the First Amendment,He hope the MPAA dont sue him but is willing to go to court over it.

Keith Kimmel is not a unknow in the court over websites he owned like phreakstore wher you can order articels to hack and clone telecomunication devices.

Also he`s the owner of Terroristsupply.com Where you can order books to make homemade bombs.

Going to be continued for sure.

Source: Telegraaf

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