Has the GameCube been cracked? Emulator now also available!

SnoopX has submitted some pretty interesting
information to us. According to some threads over at Console Paradise, the
GameCube has been cracked with the unofficial release of Animal Crossing
Loader v1.1. This loader lets you stream GameCube ISOs from a PC
to the game console using its BroadBand Adapter and the Phantasy Star
Online exploit. There is no need for modchips or external hardware. Besides this
news, we can also read that an emulator has presumably been released that, of
course, lets you play GameCube games on your computer:

Firstly congrats to Eurasia for some great work! It's nice of
them to allow a few people to see their internal release 😉
this will really open the Hombrew scene and show the real power of the

Okay so you're probably all wondering how this works with
commercial titles?

The loader is only designed as a development
tool to allow you to run larger images on the GCN. This could include
emulators and mediaplayers.

While commercial game images will load,
there are many that will not boot and most that do will be slow. Animal
Crossing and Luigi's mansion are the only ones that work 100% at this

Overall the tool worked great and has come along way in the
few months it's been in development.

Remember though it isn't a
official public release or designed for commercial games so don't complain
if something doesn't boot.

I can't stress enough to people that this is NOT an
official public release. I too thank Eurasia for an impressive show of
talent. Cant wait to see some of the homebrew releases.


Make sure you're sitting down and are comfortable,
preferably with a cup of coffee or tea or some other drink you enjoy. This
is a moment you will remember forever, I promise. This is as big as when
you first saw UltraHLE running Super Mario 64, and heard Mario shout "Itsa
me, Maaario!".

Hold your breath and download this amazing video of
the GameCube emulator Dolphin running the intro of Zelda. Please note that
the author has increased the FPS for viewing pleasure reasons, the actual
speed is much slower. I would like to ask webmasters of other sites to
upload this file to your own webserver, else the bandwith bill will kill

The threads where these topics are discussed can be found
here (Animal Crossing
Loader) and here (emulator). Please note
that registration is required to view the threads and no, the loader and
emulator are not available for download. You can only download
an .avi movie which shows the emulated version of the Zelda

Source: Console Paradise Forums

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