Hitachi brings us 1st DVD-RAM CamCorder

Source: CNet News

Hitachi comes with a CamCorder that uses DVD-RAM for storage. For "only" $2000,- you can bring this with you on family meetings to make pictures of your grandma

Hitachi America announced at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, which ends Tuesday, that it will have a DVD-RAM camcorder on retail shelves by the end of January. According to Hitachi, the DZ-MV100A will be the first camcorder on the market that records images onto a digital versatile disc. But first won't necessarily spell success.

Dataquest analyst Mary Craig said she believes consumer demand will lag until the price of the camcorder and DVD-RAM discs comes down. The camcorder will sell for nearly $2,000, which Craig called "too expensive" for consumers. Each 2.8GB disc will run $20 to $30 and hold about two hours of images. In addition, the 8-centimeter DVD-RAM discs, which are physically smaller than the conventional DVDs used for studio films, can't be played on most DVD players. However, Hitachi expects that a DVD player that can read DVD-RAM will eventually hit the market, said Greg Belloni, a Hitachi spokesman.

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