Holy MP3: A Downloadable Bible

Submitted by: Gamefreak_cd_copy

Source: Wired

Holy MP3: A Downloadable Bible

...Something good is coming out of the MP3 craze after all.
David Williams couldn't find an audio version of the Bible on the Internet that he could download, so he decided to record one himself in MP3.

Using his desktop PC and Goldwave, a shareware software-editing application, Williams began recording himself reading the Good Book. With all of the New Testament now available online and work begun on the Old Testament, he is in the process of completing the first free and downloadable Bible.

"I got to looking out there on the Web for an audio Bible and couldn't find anything," Williams said. "I thought it was ridiculous that you could find anything else in the world on the Internet but you couldn't find a free Bible." ...

...William's audio version is currently available only in MP3 format, although he said he will be encoding the entire collection in both RealAudio and Windows Media in the near future.

Before he could get started though, he had to find a version of the Bible that was free of copyright. Similar to the quagmire the recording industry is facing, Christian copyright holders were concerned that giving away a free version of their product might cut into their business of selling text and audio copies of God's word...

Read the whole story at Wired

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