Hotmail blocks Chello

Today I read in a free Dutch paper that Hotmail blocked all mail from Chello, a Dutch cable ISP. All emails sent by Chello customers, using their Chello mail ( will be blocked. How long this ugly thing is going to stand is not known yet.

MS tells us that they blocked Chello originated emails because of the enourmous amount of emails filled with trash and stuff coming to hotmail. It is a pain in the ass for us, because Hotmail is getting slowed down and getting instable by these actions. So MS speaks

Well I have to admit that this action is really a though one because most people will be using their mail like it is used to (think about companies).....

Well, Vinculum, thanx for the tip (although I really knew this, it reminded me to the importance of putting it here)

Source: De metro

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