How to react on our newspostings...

According to the small amount of reactions on our news, there might be some problems to some of you.

First of all, yes it's possible for everyone to react on our newspostings, your comments do matter to us.

How to react:

- Setup an account

- Login

- React

Setup an account:

- To setup an account, you will need to use the drop down menu, that you can find on the top of the page. Move your mouse over Login and then click register.

- A window will appear, fill in the data requested, and a password will be mailed to your mail address. The password is also shown in this window, so you can start posting right away !


- Go again to the top of the screen, move your mouse over Login and then click Login in the menu.

- Fill in your username and password, and the time you want these to be stored on your computer, so you don't have to fill them in every time you visit us. Click submit and if everything went well, you are ready to post.


- If you read a newsposting, you will see a bold black line, that says, 'react on this newsposting', click this link, and a window will popup

- Enter your text here, and click submit

- Please only post in English, and because we don't want to risk our server, do NOT post serials etc.

Source: CD Freaks

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