IFPI's tracker

Like you maybe have read, the IFPI developed a program that is capable of monitoring sharing networks (Napster, Gnutella etc). It's know under the name Internet Anti Piracy system or Media tracker.

Except for sharing-networks it also monitors newsgroups and IRC-sessions.

Well, that's just a part of what it does.... it also logs stuff like the files that are being shared at wich by, with what IP-address and what ISP. Just everything they need to track you......

Their primar plan is to put the bigger shares or ISP with a lof of sharers into a big database and maybe sue them.... that has just to be remain seen...

According to the IFPI this is just the beginning. They want to block all these kinds of file-transfer services by firewalling them at the ISP, at the home PC etc. I wonder what's left about anybody's privacy by this kinds of actions....

An New-Zealand http://www.7amnems.com got some screenshots of the program, so go there if you wanna see them

From the article:

Media Tracker builds up a list of tracks, the networks they're being shared on - Napster, Freenet, Gnutella etc. - the sharer's IP address and the name of their host or ISP. The date and time the song at which a given song was shared is also recorded. All this is held in a database that can be used to cross-check individuals' sharing patterns and to locate ISPs with a high percentage of sharers among their subscribers.

While Napster may at last have been neutered, that still leaves the likes of Gnutella and Freenet - "a new and worrying generation of services", according to IFPI - to tackle, either through direct action against users or, in countries where they aren't protected by legislation like the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, the ISPs

Well I don't like a thing about this, but I guess there'll be some workaround. Maybe making use of some proxy will keep you safe..... suckers

Source: The Register

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