Legal DoS hacking!

Sometimes it's legal to hack some site using DoS. That's what Germany says..

Why? Because of neo-Nazi sites hosted overseas. Because they can't be shutdown (they are not hosted in Germany), Germany allows poeple to use DoS attacks to get those sites down...

Mind you, the Web sites in question would be hosted overseas, presumably in compliance with local laws. In the USA, for example, hate speech and Holocaust denial are protected by the First Amendment, though they are crimes in Germany.

Hence his brilliant idea of sponsoring script kiddies to perform extrajudicial attacks to disable the Web sites directly. Of course that's a crime at the moment, but perhaps the German courts will make an exception such that it would be legal for hackers to disable sites that publish wrong-headed ideas which bother the German government.

So if you wanna practice: go ahead....

Source: The register

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