MPAA caught 'uploading fake torrents'...

An interesting article on Torrentfreak provides a body of strongly suggestive and up-to-date evidence that the MPAA is acting as agent provocateur; deliberately uploading fake files to torrent networks. Subscribers are lured by seemingly genuine filenames (sometimes cunningly worded to make them look like a style of ripping house), but unknowingly may be providing their non-proxy IP addresses to the 'fishermen' on the shore.

Whether or not this strategy of entrapment is legal, is an issue that seems beyond the focus of the legal advice of the major ISPs. However, as with all scams, the pattern of behaviour and server location is detectable and can be tracked via mapping the host names back to IP ranges, and thus to specific geographical locations. Another twist to the tale is that these IP addresses are strangely absent from blacklisting by the likes of peerguardian.

Read the full article here...

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