Make your own stand-alone DivX player!

Okey some freaking guy who loves DivX movies has created a standalone DivX player. This because there isn't any on the market yet. It takes some time and costs some money, but then it roxx

You need a Hifi desktop PC Case, a CPU and mainboard, some sdram, cdromdrive, hdd and an IR keyboard. As you probably think now, you're going to build a small PC After this you have to download his 'special OS'...

What my DivX Operating System does....

After placed the exe in the autostart, the PC will boot up and it starts directly my prog.

DivXOS was so programmed, that all the features of a VCR or DVD Player can be done with a Keyboard/Infrared Remote Control

Special features of my DivX OS:

*all features fully keyboard controlable

*no silly gui, which awaits mouse controls like all other PLAYERS...

*has ability to force pc to shut down

*has ability to the auto recognize your cdrom(s)

*scan´s all your cd-roms

*allows modifying playback speed

*doesn´t need any special software (eg. you must have at least MS-VB 6.0 Runtime installed)

Well I personally don't think anyone will do this, but if you do PLEASE send me a pic !! Nice idea though.

More info on his site.

Source: Mofut DivX Project

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