Media player 8 already available on the web

Microsoft Media player 8 was only to be used in Windows XP; it wouldn't be available for other Windows verions.

Someway some smart guy lifted the Media player 8 out of Windows XP (beta2), build an installation tool for it and published a standalone version. Microsoft immediatley reacted and demanded sites publishing this version of MP to get if off the site....

As Microsoft states, it's not advisable to install this illegal version of MP8 because it's not build for Windows versions other than XP.

ZDNet tested it however and found out that the installation is done quite easy and the player just works fine on systems running Windows 2000 or Windows ME.

The only "bad" thing there was is that no new options where found in comparison to MP7.

Microsoft replies on this by telling us that the new funcions like playing DVD's (didn't MP6 already do that?) and burning CD's can only be done in Windows XP.

I guess MS doesn't want other Windows versions to be abled to burn cd's using MP because it'll probably be a reason for some people not to buy () Windows XP...

A what do I care, I'll get my MP8 for Win2K pretty soon... I just know I do

To download it check our previous posting

Source: Webwereld

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