Mexico's Judges Moving Offices Because Music Pirates Too Loud

How about a little light reading. What would you do if you were part of the Supreme Court in Mexico and the loud music emanating below your window came from street vendors selling pirated music and you were seriously trying to make judicial rulings.

Well the RIAA found out that the Supreme Court is considering moving to another part of the city and they have called upon

Mexican President Vincente Fox and his government to "clean up the streets" of pirated music.

Mexico's response to retreat in its fight against lawlessness by moving the nation's highest court rather than directly confronting the situation is profoundly sad," Rosen said. "We hope that President Fox will review this situation immediately, and will use this occasion to signal an advance rather than to sound a retreat.

Is the RIAA without sin and casting the first stone or does everybody jump when the RIAA speaks.

Source: Music Industry News Network

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