Microsoft Media Player counterfeit tours the Web

Microsoft is al lot in the news latley aint it..

(IDG) -- Which comes first - Microsoft Corp.'s much anticipated Windows XP operating system, or it's new Media Player 8? To the chagrin of the software giant, and bemusement of its dissenters, it appears to be the Media Player, which has apparently run away from a beta version of Windows XP that it is supposed to be tied to, and is on the loose.

Well, sort of. According to Microsoft spokesman Jim Cullinan, someone extracted codes from a Windows XP beta version and is masquerading a thrown-together system as Media Player 8, although it doesn't have some of the core functions that the real Media Player has.

The proliferation of the counterfeit Media Player, which has sprung up on various Web sites, prompting Microsoft to threaten legal action against the software harborers, has spurred a greater question for Microsoft watchers, however. By tying Media Player 8 to Windows XP, which is due for commercial shipment in the second half of this year, will Microsoft be culpable of the same sort of bundling practices that got the software colossal into antitrust problems in the first place?

Read the whole article on the cnn site..

Source: Cnn

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