in court... once again is being sued once again. This time its by Tom Waits, Randy Newman and the Wilson sisters from Heart. They want to have $40.500.000 because of's file swapping system....

What makes this interesting is that has come up with a method to restrict pirates, and also achieved an agreement with the music industry that managed to turn Napster into a worrying granny (basically, it pays them money).

So why is ole Rain Dog Waits wading in? Because although the music industry has decided that's method of asking for someone to slip the relevant CD into your computer before the song is made available is just fine with them, songwriters that have managed to retain the copyright to their own songs are not so impressed. They haven't come to an agreement and they don't see any cash.

I guess Mp3 cases in court are becoming the latest trend... pathetic!

Source: The register

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