Napster fans march in Washington on april 3...

So after the US Appeals Court didn't believe in Napster anymore they now try to go back
on it's own users. They ask everybody to march in Washington on april 3

Napster is calling on its users to march on Washington, DC and protest
about the way the company feels it has been treated.

Tempting users with a free concert and the opportunity to hear Napster
founder Shawn Fanning talk about programming, Napster hopes enough
punters will show in the US capital on 3 April that legislators will back file
sharing as a legitimate means of distributing music.

"It's important for the Napster Community to make an impression on the
lawmakers gathering to learn about Napster, file sharing and the future
of music on the Internet," Napster's Web site implores users.

Haha, well I would like to know how this ends Will you be there? Let us know!

Source: The Register

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