PSP gets firmware update, adding several new features

Sony has launched a firmware update for its PSP handheld game console, bringing it up to version 3.0.  In another aim to deliver movies to the PSP after the failure of the UMD optical disc format for movies, this new firmware will allow media files including movies to be streamed via wireless to the PSP using Sony's Remote Play function, according to PC World. 

The new firmware will also allow users to purchase original PlayStation games as downloads on the PS3 and then transfer them to the PSP.  Going by Pro-G news, ten original PlayStation titles have been made available in Japan that can be downloaded and transferred to the PSP through the PS3.  Each title is priced at ¥525 (~US$4.51).  Unfortunately, this update does not appear to allow the transferring of original PlayStation discs to the PSP.  PSone titles will be made available for download to the PSP (via the PS3) in North America in the coming weeks, followed by further titles on an ongoing basis. 

Other new firmware features include an RSS timer feature to schedule the PSP to check for blog updates and download them and also give the ability to prevent the PSP from automatically loading a game if a disc is loaded upon powering on.  Sony expects to release a PS3 update early 2007 to allow the emulation of PSone titles directly on the PS3 and a PSP update some time later to allow PSone titles to be downloaded directly to the PSP. 

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