Perfect Copy 2000 SR2

Submitted by: Electro Dude

If someone ever wondered why we haven't released a product in 2 months, then i can tell you that we are working hard on the Perfect Copy 2000 SR2, witch introduces Live update features, Access database handling and lots of other neat features. We also introduce a new and enhanced IE Clone with all the neat technologies we have. One of them is a new technology called Perfect Insertion Point, witch introduces a totally new way of exploring your computer from a single commandline. The Technology is free and the sourcecode will be published soon.
Here are the key features:
* Access Enabled database.
* no neets of access installed.
* add/Remove interface for access.
* new scanner witch clears the Laserlock and PSX Issues.

I'll publish our new temp. webpage when it is ready.

Can't wait till it's out ! Unfortunately the Perfect Copy page is down, as we are on this temporarily host. But most news and download addresses will be given here !

About hosting, please click our banners once in a month, if everybody does, we can easily afford reliable and fast hosting !

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