Piracy in the Netherlands decreases 1%..

Our friends of the BSA have opened their results. We can conclude that they didn't make much effort in fighting pirated software. And these guys probably also don't work for free !

In the Netherlands in 1998 almost 45% of the software was pirated. In 1999 this was 44%. They are not happy with the results and think that about 320.000.000 USD is lost with this pirated software. Worldwide the loss is estimated at about USD.

The Netherlands, together with Italy are on the 5th place of European countries if it comes to pirated software use. Worldwide they are at the 10th place.

Worldwide the actions of the BSA are not very succesfull. Registration of software has not much priority. In 1998 38% of buisness software was pirated, in 1999 it was about 36%.

Most of the software pirates can be found in Eastern Europe and Asia. Vietnam is on top of the list with 98% (!!) of it's software being pirated. China and Russia are two and three with 91% and 89%.

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