Plans to make triple layer 51GB HD-DVD discs

Following the annoucement that Verbatim are to ship 30GB dual layer HD DVD-R discs comes this news found over at engadget.

One of the Powerpoint slides at CES reads that they want to "expand HD DVD disc capacity from 15GB to 17GB per layer, and moreover, to add a third layer as well, eventually resulting in a 51GB HD DVD disc. Aside from upping the ante on Blu-ray's capacity by a measly 1GB (currently, at least), it's also noted that "technical feasibility" has yet to be confirmed, and that standardization wouldn't occur until Q4 of this year at the earliest"

Could be exciting, but then again if plans go ahead to have quad layer BR discs then this is hardly going to make HD-DVD discs more attractive to buyers. Only time will tell.

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