Playstation 3 to double as a home media centre?

This analyst report raises concerns that Sony might be packing too much fuctionality into their new Playstation 3 console thus alienating customers due to the high price.

Pachter and Woo claim in the report that Sony will try to introduce the PS3 with significantly more functionality than current consoles, building on the model of the PSX device - which includes a digital video recorder (DVR), DVD burner and a number of other home media centre style functions.

However, it should be noted that Sony has made a number of comments, both on and off the record, in recent months which suggest that it could be planning a multi-tiered approach to the PS3 - with different versions of the hardware being launched to fulfil specific market needs.

It seems likely that the company will launch a "bare bones" PS3 which is designed as a games console with minimal media playback and network access features, with a more complex PSX style device incorporating media server functions, mass-storage and DVD or Blu-Ray disc burning capabilities being launched at a higher price point.

Considering PC Blu-Ray burners currently cost $ 3000 (if you can find one), $ 700 for a PS3 with a Blu-Ray burner included would be a bargain!


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