RC5: Run the cow over the complete network...

Thanks to redfox I found a very nice program to install the RC5 client under the *entire* network at once. It is a remote control.

If you think it is a pain to maintain the Windows NT service client for the distributed.net efforts on many computers maybe I have the right tool for you. A remote management/monitoring tool for Windows NT and 2000: Remote Service Control Center - client for the NT Service Control manager. Install, configure, start and stop services across the network.

The program is easy to use. Simply unpack the binary distribution in a directory, or compile the source and place rscc.exe somewhere.

When the program is started you can add computer names by hand, or you can have the program scan the windows network and place all computer names it finds on the main screen (this can be rather slow on large or segmented networks). Right-clicking on a computer name brings up a context-sensitive popup menu.

This is very nice! If u have access to a network please install this baby! We can have many many more blocks completed like this and become #1!!

For more information check the site: Remote service control center! (Includes complete installation guide & screenshots)

Tip: it's also possible to hide the client using the '-hide' option

So you want to know more about RC5? Just install the client, we really need your help!! Check out our article here.

Source: Remote service Prog

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