Recover a damaged CD article updated...

Today I received a mail from the guys of with some extra information on how to recover a CD

I thought I would pass on some information about a little piece of software to your readers. It does a nice job and it is free. Go to and you will see a program called "IsoBuster". That is the program. It runs under Windows so it bypasses some of the Windows limitations.

Some more recovery tips:

- Always try to do the recovery with a CD writer instead of just a reader. The writers can see the tracks better.

- Also, sometimes it is best to use the same machine "or writer manufacturer" that wrote the data in the first place, when doing a recovery. For instance, if a Plextor did the writing, use a Plextor for the recovery work. This is especially true with HP models.

If the CDR-Diagnostic or the IsoBuster programs can't recover the data, the CD will probably have to be sent in.

We hope this helps to recover your important data !

Source: CD Freaks

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