Saddam Hussein is buying some PS2...

Source: PCFormat & TheRegister & UpsideToday.

Oh oh, saddam wants to take over the world again... with playstation!

Saddam Hussein is, according to a leaked US Defense memo, stockpiling PlayStation 2 consoles. The machines, which can be linked together to boost their power, have been in extremely short supply this winter, though up to 4,000 have been shipped to Iraq so far. Defence experts believe that Hussein is constructing a weapons supercomputer from the PS2s, previously banned in China due to their potential power to control missile guidance systems. A source says: "One expert I spoke with estimated that an integrated bundle of 12 to 15 PlayStations could provide enough power to control an Iraqi unmanned aerial vehicle."

Sounds absurd? Well yes. But apparently true nonetheless, which makes us wonder exactly why Hussein chose a console or 15 to guide his missiles? Is it their low price? Plasticky exterior? USB ports? No. It's because, unlike PCs, they won't crash every couple of minutes, sending the world into nuclear holocaust thanks to sloppy programming. Ah yes, programmers, you remember that. Your bad coding has not only helped Saddam exacerbate the Sony PlayStation 2 shortage, but could have led to entire worldwide destruction. You're lucky. This time.


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