Some BlindWrite Suite news...

BlindWrite Suite has posted some news on their future release which will have a little 'surprise' in it... I wonder what it will be


A lot of informations have been added. Compatibility issue on several units is clarified (mostly Philips based units, which often support DAO PQ writing mode). The TEAC CD-W54E issue is explained (thanks Boris). The latest Plextor unit (PX-W1640TA) has also been tested, and work just fine in DAO PW without the need of any firmware upgrade.

Check out the changes HERE.

Work In Progress:
We are working hard for the next release. the MP3 audio engine will be bugfixed, and will support as well a very interesting unique feature (it's a surprise). Also, some problems with subcode writing will be fixed (some contributors of the forum shall appreciate...) sorry, it will still be 2 separated software this time, as we wishes to correct some problems before providing a CD reader/writer in a single application.

So stay tuned for the new release!

Source: Blindwrite Homepage

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