Sony CRX200E 1.3GB DDCD drive for sale in Japan

A, to me, strange Japanese website reports about the Sony CRX200E drive that is capable of writing the earlier reported 1.3GB DDCD (Double Density Compact Disc), these guys bought one, and also made some pictures of it.

Here's a translation of the text on the webpage, generated by a translater (sorry for the very very bad translation, but you should be able to make something of it )

The standard where DDCD standard, from current CD-ROM/R/RW standard, expands error correction and address system, reduces track pitch and pit length, actualizes the record capacity of the former ratio 2 time 1.3GB. " The CRX200E " becomes the first drive which corresponds to DDCD standard.

With the shop front 20 " the CRX200E " was to stack, but being the case that the pop which appeals the DDCD is prepared even when without, like normal CD-RW drive it is displayed. Partly due to when investigating the Japan and China of weekday, the time the extent where the person who takes the time package in the hand is.

As for the front panel the silver which purple applies. As for the software, lighting software " Primo CD ", packet light/write software " abcCd " and backup software " Retrospect Express " is done bundled, DDCD-R media /DDCD-RW media each one belongs.

The drive is an ATAPI drive that writes at 12 speed, rewrites at 8 speed and is able to read back your data at 32 speed. It also has a buffer of 8MB.

Check some weird text and the pictures here.

Anyone already seen this drive anywhere else on the world ? I would like to have one


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