Sony fires back at Microsoft, Netflix

Microsoft and Netflix are not surprisingly celebrating their success now that there are more than one million Microsoft Xbox 360 users are on Xbox Live accessing the streaming Netflix service.  Most gamers and analysts have been impressed, but there is one company that has not been pleased with the news. 

In an attempt to steal thunder from Microsoft and Netflix, Sony issued a press statement promoting its PlayStation Video Store, which includes faster download speeds, newly released videos in Blu-ray clarity, and the fact that it's a free service.

Here is a bullet list -- from the press release -- that includes some other reasons why the PlayStation service is better than streaming Netflix through the Xbox 360:

Free Access/No Double Fees: Users pay a separate monthly Netflix subscription on top of an annual service fee for Xbox LIVE to access Netflix content, PlayStation Network users have free access to the content they want.
Video Content on the Go: One of the main value propositions of the PlayStation Network's video delivery service is the ability to transfer standard-definition content from the PS3 system to the PSP system. For one price, consumers can transfer and view certain types of content on multiple devices.
Faster Download Speeds: In a recent experiment by MTV Multiplayer, PlayStation Network was found to be the fastest service for downloading games amongst current consoles, whether through wired or wireless connections.
Quality HD Experiences: PlayStation Network provides HD content reliably without waiting for streaming connections that might not ever be made.
Blu-Ray and Streaming: PlayStation 3's browser and Flash 9 support allows users to easily stream content and watch videos through internet sites on their TV's. Users can also download HD blockbuster movies from the PlayStation Store or enjoy Blu-ray movies.
New Movie Releases: The Rocker, Swing Vote, Traitor, Max Payne (Unrated), Step Brothers, Eagle Eye, Mirrors (Unrated), Pride and Glory, Dead Space, RocknRolla, Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist, Resident Evil: Degeneration

Although it's arguable that people are purchasing the Xbox 360 to stream Netflix content, it's possible a large number of Xbox Live users decided to create a Netflix account to stream content through the console. The Xbox Live Netflix numbers are also based on "activations", which means that many of the users could just be using the services' free trial only. Despite customers being forced to pay for Xbox Live, Microsoft has continually said there is a large number of users and they're pleased with how many Xbox 360 owners are playing games and downloading content online.

As Netflix continues to expand its streaming library for PC and Xbox 360  owners, expect an even higher interest in the streaming service.

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