Still confused between Blu-ray and HD-DVD?

The next
generation optical formats, Blu-ray and HD-DVD, are still creating some confusion to end-users. What are exactly are the features of each format? What advantages? And what are the disadvantages?

In the attempt to make this subject clearer, AssociatedContents published a comparison between these two formats:

High definition video is getting more and more popular, but our old DVDs just aren't big enough to hold an HD movie.  That's where Blu-ray and HD-DVD come in: they're new formats designed to store much more data with better video compressions, and they're what the film industry needs to sell high-definition movies for consumers.

After giving a brief introduction on Hi Definition television, a simple explanation of each format is given in a brief and clear manner. An interesting read for who are investigating for the first time, these new emerging technologies.

Those of you that are interested, can read the entire review here.

Source: AssociatedContent

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