Supported Writers 99 minutes CD-R

Source: Disc4You

This unusual amount of storage capacity is made possible by the combination of the two known methods used so far to raise the capacity. It involves first moving the tracks of the Helix closer together, as is done with 80 minutes blanks. It also employs the so-called method of 'overburning' which uses the full capacity of the media beyond the given specifications, giving you an additional 2 to 4 minutes.

Both methods used together will give you blanks of exceptional length which still have to be 'overburned'. This is due to the fact that in the ATIP of the blank such as 80 minute media a maximum recording length of 79:59 minutes is specified - regardless of what actual capacity the blank has. The recordering software will read and use the information about the media from this ATIP. If it tells the software that there are only 80 minutes available the only way to use the real capacity is 'overburning' which was until now used in cases where one wanted to sqeeze a little more information onto a 74 minute blank.

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