T-Mobile, Google to enter the home

T-Mobile plans to use the Google Android operating system to enter into the household in a way it is currently not able to with mobile phones.

T-Mobile already has an Android-based mobile phone, but plans to use Google's mobile OS on a home phone.  There are several other products that are in the works, but T-Mobile hasn't publicly announced any specifics.  It's likely the company is working on a tablet computer and several other telecommunications devices along with the home phone.

The company hopes to blend phones with higher technology, allowing consumers to have better flexibility while they're communicating.

T-Mobile released the G1 Android phone last August, becoming the first mobile operator to release an Android-based phone.  The phone has seen decent sales numbers, with the mobile phone provider already planning future Android devices.

Google hopes to see its Android OS extend away from mobile phones twoards netbooks, home phones and other consumer technology products.  Several smaller companies are using Android to develop products for the household, including a new video phone that includes a seven-inch screen to be used while a person is talking.

Microsoft, Symbian and Research In Motion (RIM) have seen increased pressure from Apple and Google, with the mobile OS market becoming increasingly competitive.  The number of mobile operating systems is becoming quite diverse, with more than eight available. At least one service provider, Verizon Wireless, hopes to try and simplify OS selection for its customers and developers.

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