Usa/Pal PS2 Modchip really on its way?

There are alot of sites (like saying that they have a modchip for the PS2. Ofcourse this is true, when you have a Jap PS2. Since alot of people have a USA or PAL PS2, people are trying to take advantage of them and say that those modchips also work in the Usa/Pal machines.

This is not true, most of us know that already.

But, good news is on the way A Usa/Pal modchip is really underway now. Today i spoke to someone from the group that was the first to rip a PS2 game (you know who), and he said to me that the modchip was finished. From another source i heared that it will be available in mid december.

So boys and girls, if this all is really 100% true (and right now i can say that is it 95% true) things will change in December.

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