VSO Products to be banished...

The French government is about to pass a bill known as the DADVSI (Droits d'Auteur et Droits Voisins dans la Société de l'Information n°1206) prohibiting everything that could be considered as a tool or a solution to bypassing protections or read copyrighted formats. VSO Products may be banished as well as P2P clients, instant messaging, emails, internet servers using GNU licensing, and free software including the most popular media players.

Today, French citizens may no longer be able to make a safe backup of their purchased CDs, Movies, Games, etc. or use a software/hardware reader of their choice. Tomorrow, other countries may use this law as a model.

'In addition to killing off the right to private copying while keeping the fees associated to it, according to the DADVSI bill, the simple act of using software to read a DVD that is not authorized by the DVD editor could lead up to a 3-year jail sentence and a 300 000 Euros fine."

Invasion of your privacy is also in this law... all the French ISPs will be forced to install a global filter system to prevent any P2P activity and check all email attachments. This will be by far the most restrictive copyright law ever in the world, turning legal users into criminals by the millions.

Please join VSO Software defending your rights to a choice , take a minute to sign the petition.

Go to http://eucd.info/

Source: VSO Software

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