Virus for serveral OS's!

A new virus has been signed. It's called 'W32.Winux" and it's a pretty special one. What so special about it is, is that the virus doesn't effect only Windows 95, 98, ME and 2000 but also Linux! How did they do that? Well, the answer is quite simple: they wrote the virus in Assembly, instead of making use of some 3GL of 4GL language like C, Delphi etc.

After you 'boot" the virus by starting the file where it's in (email!), it starts to search your hdd and increases all applications on your harddisk with about 100k of size. That's about all it does, no other actions are implemented….

The virus got some limitations as well. One is that it can't use email for spreading (like the IloveYou and Melissa and stuff). Another limitation is that it only runs on systems based on Intel Pentium CPU's (I guess AMD cpu's will do the job as caused they are based on the x86 structure)

W32.Winux spreads by infecting executable programs that run either on later versions of Windows from Microsoft Corp.--including 95, 98, Me, NT and 2000 - or the various flavors of Linux, a free operating system that is gaining ground among techies and businesses.

While there are thousands of viruses swimming around on Windows computers worldwide, there are relatively few for Linux - an estimated less than 50, Peer said, which he attributed to the lack of virus writers targeting the Linux operating system.

Well, if you want to cure your PC or just be sure, then go to for the cure!

Source: ZDNet

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