Warner to cut Blu-ray catalog prices

Warner Home Video recently unveiled a plan to cut Blu-ray catalog title pricing to as low as $11 for retailers via a rebate program. There were no specific dates provided for the impending program, but Warner is citing the month of September as the start.

Blu-ray titles to be included in the price cut include 300, The Departed, I Am Legend, The Fugitive, The Shining, The Aviator and many others. Newer titles  from this bunch won't hit the $11 mark, but will still receive discounts.

The retailer savings should translate to lower retail prices for consumers, allowing many titles to drop below the $20 price mark. Other studios are expected to follow suit in order to compete with the low priced Warner titles in these tough economic times. These actions may help to satisfy critics of the Blu-ray format who believe current product pricing is too high for mass market adoption.

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