What's the relationship between Garfield, Blindwrite and CD Freaks?

With close to
80.000 members and millions of montly readers it comes at no suprise that we
have some creative people around. Not only our news editors who write our news stories
everyday or the writers of guides and tutorials are creative and donating their
time to our site, we even have a real comic text writer aboard.

member Rylex uses Garfield cartoons to express his feelings about game backup
software Blindwrite. He has a real fan base that reads every single comic
and today a new comic has been made available by him.

Now Rylex seems to be willing to
expand the subject of his comics to other areas and at the moment he is
wondering if CD Freaks should be included. We feel we should and we hope all our
members will vote in the poll Rylex has put up!

Source: Club CD Freaks

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