Xbox hackers release media player

Well, so far the "security" of Microsoft's XBox. Besides a Mod Chip for Microsoft's console, there is also a media player to play DivX and MP3's making it a sweet home entertainment set:


The first homemade software to take advantage of new hacker add-ons for the Xbox has started to dribble onto the Internet, including a media player that purportedly runs DivX video files.



Programmers posting on an XboxHacker Web site said they have completed an initial version of "Xbox Media Player." The software allows modified Xbox consoles to play videos in the VCD format, commonly used for bootleg movie discs, and versions 3.x and 4.x of DivX, a controversial compression format used to swap videos over the Internet. Future versions of the application will include support for MP3 and Windows Media Audio files, according to the developers.


Reaction of MS:

Microsoft representatives have said the software giant is investigating legal options to shut down makers of mod chips.

In my humble opinion, it's only a matter of time before there will be that player. Shutdown the creation of the modchips isn't that good I guess . It will only slowdown things.

Also progress is being achieved to port Linux to the XBox as well as emulators (who needs an XBox when he/she can run the games on his computer anyway? ).

Read the full article over here.


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