Yahoo signed to Sony, Universal digital music service

The latest developments in the music industry. Yahoo joins the big party with Sony and Universal. Sony and universal are not part of the Musicnet (reported here) cooperation, but are making a service of their own.

Called Duet, the venture is backed by Yahoo!, which will provide access to it through its Web portal, just as AOL and RealNetworks will offer MusicNet.

Since MusicNet is an 'open' system - none of the parties have an exclusive licence to its digital back-catalogue, and the music providers can offer their music to other distribution services - it's possible that Yahoo! Could sign up for MusicNet too.

Because the 2 systems are 'open' they can easy co-exist. Sony and Universal can license their music to Musicnet and vice versa. Wonder which one will be cheaper.

Btw: am I the only one who is still following everything? Are you still getting everything?

Source: The Register

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